Interactive tests: the first certification ninth
Site Summary
This research work Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine includes a development site that is dedicated to the practice of creating tests using JavaScript. Created using hypertext markup language HTML tables and cascading style sheets CSS, interactive tests implemented in the programming language JavaScript.This project aims to create and popularize tests using the programming language JavaScript, DOM document object model and tables cascading style sheets CSS - interactive tests for self-knowledge ninth.The design of the site with CSS successfully used shades of blue and white. Urgency, theoretical and practical importance of doubt. After all tasks related to the improvement of the educational process, has
Information • Jurisprudence • English • Chemistry • Ukraine History • Geography • Physics • Biology • Mathematics
always been and will be relevant and have important theoretical practical.When testing browsers Internet Explorer, Opera, Google Chrome and FireFox differences in the site almost was not.This site was hosted on a free Ukrainian Internet users. Tests have on program topics correspond to subjects in grade 9. Hosting gives you access to the necessary information to users 24 hours a day.The site will be useful for employees of the educational sector and for the 9th grade schools, high schools and schools of Ukraine.Work performed: Bohdan A. Voloshin, a student in grade 9 Kamensky ecological and economic Lyceum Kamyansko district council Cherkasy region.
We invite you to take the test in Internet Explorer and get a certificate of Microsoft
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